Yttrium: Designer & Blackboard Demo

Beside of the central Assembly (which contains the Yttrium Core as well as the Std Library module), Math.NET Symbolics: Yttrium also comes with a Designer Assembly, built on top of the Netron Graph Library. This designer is applied, for example, in the Blackboard Demo. Such a graphical interface is more important in Yttrium than it was in the old Symbolics Classic, because the interaction possibilities have increased and due to the introduction of the signals and optional circular systems the complexity has risen, too. Naturally the current development state of the designer does not contain the full functional range yet, and the Blackboard demo is still basically a development and test tool...

The following two Screenshots show the Blackboard demo in action - the first one taken after the automatic simplification of a circular system, the other after the derivation of a trigonometric expression:

